RBCheck instructions. Please report all bugz and suggested enhancements to http://bugz.osirusoft.com If you're installing the RPM, edit /usr/bin/rbcheck.ini to reflect your own user settings. rblcheck accepts the following switches -f Forces the test even if blocked -ddomainname forces domainname instead of what the HELO packet claims itself to be. -s# instructs rbcheck to use a socket other than 25 This is for future implementations with a socks proxy config. -uusername will use username instead of what's defined in rbcheck.ini The normal command to test a single server would be: rblcheck a.b.c.d or rblcheck -dfdnq.domain Optionally, a netmask can be assigned as 255.255.255.x.and /X in the address field, where /X is a number from 24 to 31. Customized versions that allow scanning of larger than class C blocks will be assigned to netblock administrators on request, but only to the administrator of the netblock and only for the size and address range they are responsible for. What RBCheck does. Spammers make use of insecure SMTP servers to fill your inbox. RBCheck tests the servers that sent or routed the mail to you for security, and automatically nominate the insecure site to relays.osirusoft.com. In this way, a database of insecure sites can be generated, such that these holes can be secured. At Relays.osirusoft.com, a dns query for a given address a.b.c.d will return for d.b.c.a.relays.osirusoft.com. This is used to signal servers that the site that is receiving the mail is vulnerable to spammers, and likely is about to deliver spam. Additionally, it also produces a file for use with other dns based blocking lists so that others can make use of the generated information. If you are an end user, this utility will only help you if your ISP makes use of DNS based blocking. However, and even if they don't, by running this utility, you are initiating a course of events that a) helps others, and b) wakes up the irresponsible or novice administrator. To report problems or suggest improvements, please visit http://bugz.osirusoft.com. As a precaution against inappropriately listing secure sites, if you plan to use this utility extensively, please email joejared@osirusoft.com and recommend that your ISP's site be whitelisted in the excludes file. nomintest instructions nomintest interpretes a raw text file for purpose of extracting ipaddresses for test purposes. If an IP address or domain resolves, it will then write the following to ./rbscript "rbcheck a.b.c.d". Once the process is finished, type chmod +x rbscript;./rbscript confirm instructions /etc/confirm.ini rename the above file to confirm.ini and edit its settings accordingly for your relay recipient location. If no confirm.ini is found in the home directory, this one will be used. This utility will provide 2 files from email out of confirmed open relays: 1) ~/nominated.txt Effectively, this is simply a list of all IP addresses obtained from your open relay repository email account. 2) ~/selfnominated.txt This is a list of all relay tests confirmed to be open.